Unseen Academicals. Vet ni vad det är? Det är den senaste Discworld-boken. Den handlar om trollkarlarna, däribland min för alltid favorit Rincewind ingår, och de spelar fotboll. Den kom ut i oktober förra året! Hur kunde jag ha missat det här!?! Terry Pratchett, åh Sir Terence Pratchett... Pterry, jag har svikit dig. Måste återgå att maniskt stalka dig igen.
Till att börja med läste jag en intervju med honom och utstötta glädjetjut som rivaliserade mitt "Jag ska på IKEA och köpa förvaringsgrejor"-tjut var och varannan minut.
Han är så glad/arg/sarkastisk/ironisk.
"Of course I listen to my readers! So the next book will be:
Set in Ankh-Morpork/not set in Ankh-Morpork. With lots of the good old characters/with a whole cast of new characters. Written like the old books, which were better/written like the later books, which were better. With lots of character development/none of that dull character development stuff, which gets in the way of the jokes. Short/long.
You want fries with that?"
A I stole it from an old man I met and now I've decided to tell you all.
- Why Terry switched his German publishers (from Heyne to Goldmann).
"There were a number of reasons for switching to Goldmann, but a deeply personal one for me was the way Heyne (in Sourcery, I think, although it may have been in other books) inserted a soup advert in the text ... a few black lines and then something like 'Around about now our heroes must be pretty hungry and what better than a nourishing bowl'... etc, etc.
My editor was pretty sick about it, but the company wouldn't promise not to do it again, so that made it very easy to leave them. They did it to Iain Banks, too, and apparently at a con he tore out the offending page and ate it. Without croutons."
Och kanske en av anledningarna till att jag bara är riktigt peppad att se Alice i Underlandet för att Stephen Fry är med:
"I hated the Alice books."
"I didn't like the Alice books because I found them creepy and horribly unfunny in a nasty, plonking, Victorian way. Oh, here's Mr Christmas Pudding On Legs, hohohoho, here's a Caterpillar Smoking A Pipe, hohohoho. When I was a kid the books created in me about the same revulsion as you get when, aged seven, you're invited to kiss your great-grandmother."